2023 Presenters
- Katie Paige - High Strangeness on a Colorado Ranch—Craft, Cattle, Copters, Cryptids & Cover-Ups
- Jennifer W. Stein - The Enigma of Gobekli Tepe
- Ruben Uriarte - THE MYSTERIOUS AIRSHIPS OF 1896 & 1897Tuesday, March 14, 2023
- John Ramirez - Dome of Light: Cold War Phenomenon with Modern-Day Relevance
- Christopher Styles - Shelburne UFO Incident
- Scott Wolter and Hayley A. Ramsey - The Knights Templar: America's True Founding Fathers
- Richard Lang - First Responder's Guide to UFO Encounters
- Sam Maranto - Mass Sightings -October 17, 2023
- Robert Farrell - "Behind the Science of 'The Mummies' of Nazca, Peru" - November 14, 2023
- Mike Brenner - "Evolution Diverted: The Forgotten Intrusion Driving Humanity to Self-Destruct"

Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Katie Paige - High Strangeness on a Colorado Ranch—Craft, Cattle, Copters, Cryptids & Cover-Ups
Katie’s presentation will take you on a personal journey, as she shares what she’s uncovered in her decade-long pursuit of answers to her experiences on a Colorado ranch.
In UFO folklore, it was known as the “Clearview” Ranch and pre-dates the Skinwalker Ranch by over 15 years. At the time the newspaper headlines dubbed the ranch the “Close Encounter Capital of the US”. Its mystery and intrigue are referenced in several books, including Hunt for The Skinwalker by Colm A. Kelleher Ph.D. and George Knapp; Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed by Timothy Good. A well-known UFO researcher, Dr. Leo Sprinkle Ph.D. investigated and detected “High strangeness” including dozens of cattle mutilations, menacing copters, mysterious lights, unusual humming sounds, paranormal activity, burn marks on the ground, baffling disappearing boxes, strange entities, disembodied “electrical” voices, and Bigfoot encounters.
Katie will also share her insights on phenomena that are often associated with this level of contact: dark figures, blue orbs, paranormal phenomena, psychic abilities, lucid dreams and/or precognitive dreams, and synchronicities beyond chance. She asks” Is there a connection?”
Katie Griboski Paige is Colorado MUFON's State Director, a STAR Investigator for MUFON, and is the team lead/administrator for MUFON's MARRS Team. Visit her website at www.katieGriboski.com.
You can view the video here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Jennifer W. Stein - The Enigma of Gobekli Tepe
Jennifer Stein will present an overview with slides and film clips on the archeological site in Turkey known as Gobekli Tepe. Jennifer traveled to Turkey in 2012 with Boston University Professor Robert Schoch, along with Linda Moulton Howe, and other researchers to study & explore this site firsthand. Jennifer will provide some short film clips of these travels that include both Robert Schoch and Professor Klaus Schmidt, the chief archeologist on the site from 1995 until his death in 2014. Jennifer will provide insights into why this ancient site plays a significant role in our ever-evolving understanding of human history.
Gobekli Tepe is an ancient site in southeastern Turkey. Excavated in-depth since 1994 by German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt, it is a series of deliberately buried Stone Circles, forming a mysterious complex. Central sanding stones have an anthropomorphic façade, making archaeologists question if they are to be interpreted as artistic renderings of tall humans looking towards the sky. Some of the unique carvings on the standing stones at Gobekli reflect similar aspects found in other significant sites in Greece, Easter Island, and India. These standing stone circles have been dated back to 10,000 BC when it was thought human civilization was only a hunter-gatherer civilization (the “pre-pottery - pre-writing” stage of human development). The mere existence of the site and the carbon dating from materials found next to the stones makes us question our understanding of human history possibly pushing the dates for advanced human civilization much further back in time.
Jennifer Stein holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Arizona, in textiles. She is an entrepreneur, activist & award-winning documentary filmmaker. Jennifer has been reading, researching, and traveling to ancient sites for 10 years for firsthand exploration and examination. Jennifer is the founder of Main Line MUFON PA, a chapter of the International Mutual UFO Network dedicated to providing monthly educational programming. She has been a State Section Director and a trained field investigator for the MUFON PA. She has recently accepted the post of Director for Sedona MUFON now that she has relocated to Arizona

Ruben Uriarte - THE MYSTERIOUS AIRSHIPS OF 1896 & 1897
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
View Presentation here.
Before airplanes were invented, journalists and scientists of the 19th century recorded hundreds of sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena crisscrossing the skies of America. The amazing airship sightings provide a startling, detailed look at these early UFO cases, which tend to confirm that "We are not alone.”
He shares about the early airships of the 1890s and early 1900s and his research and book on the Mexican Roswell event few of us know anything about.
This is a Main Line MUFON.com production.

John Ramirez - Dome of Light: Cold War Phenomenon with Modern-Day Relevance
View Presentation here.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 7:30 p.m. Zoom presentation John Ramirez- Dome of Light: Cold War Phenomenon with Modern Relevance
Formerly employed by the C.I.A., John speaks out on CIA policies about how they report and work with the other branches of government covering the UFO subject.
An unusual phenomenon known as the Dome of Light was detected by US intelligence sensors during certain Russian ballistic missile test launches. Of particular interest was the SS-20 Sable intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM). Ballistic missile analysts at the Foreign Technology Division (now the National Air and Space Intelligence Center -- NASIC) at Wright-Patterson AFB attributed the Dome of Light phenomenon to a ballistic missile countermeasures technique. However, this phenomenon was also detected when there were no ballistic missile launches. What did the Russians know about the Dome of Light, which they called the "Petrozavodsk Phenomenon?" The possible answer has surprising relevance to the US government's UAP investigation.
John Ramirez served from 1984 to 2009 in the CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, Directorate of Intelligence, and the ODNI National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC). During his 25-year career he specialized in ballistic missile defense systems and signals analysis of weapon system radars under the parent offices where the legacy UFO study program resided. He served as the Chief of Site for an overseas technical collection facility and was Chief of the Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Analysis Branch. A founding member of the ODNI NCPC, he was the SIGINT specialist and the multi-discipline collection requirements strategist for counterproliferation equities. Prior to his career in the Intelligence Community, John enlisted in the US Navy as an Electronics Warfare Technician. He is a graduate of the George Washington University in Washington, DC. He is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and the Central Intelligence Retirees Association. John Ramirez [email protected]

Christopher Styles - Shelburne UFO Incident
The recent breakthrough reveals that the "Shelburne USO Story" was not connected to the Shag Harbor Incident but occurred 7 years earlier during October of 1960 on a NATO minesweeping exercise that involved 19 navy ships, 10 US and 9 Canadian operating near Shelburne, Nova Scotia. That NATO mission was known as "Clear Sweep 5". Chris recently spoke about this amazing event for the first time in October 2022 in Yarmouth, NS, at the 2022 Shag Harbor UFOXPO.

Scott Wolter and Hayley A. Ramsey - The Knights Templar: America's True Founding Fathers
Scott Wolter, a forensic geologist and host of History Channel’s America Unearthed, uncovers the truth behind controversial historic artifacts and sites throughout North America. Wolter presents evidence that supports his controversial claims about the Templars' presence in North America and their role in establishing the country.

Richard Lang - First Responder's Guide to UFO Encounters
Richard Lang’s recent book is written for those First Responders who may someday roll up on an event that defies logic, and current physics, and exhibits paranormal activity; a vehicle of extraterrestrial origin having occupants who may have piloted here. Richard is an expert in close encounters with non-human entities, and/or UFO activity. He shares his most compelling accounts included in his new book. He guides public service personnel--to learn what to do and not to do when they encounter "high strangeness."

Sam Maranto - Mass Sightings -October 17, 2023
Sam Maranto is an investigative researcher best known for his work on the Tinley Park Mass Sightings of 2004, the O’Hare Gate C17 UAP incident of 2006, and others. These events have been featured in several television programs such as the History Channel’s UFO Hunters episodes “Invasion Illinois & Aliens at the Airport,” Dateline MSNBC’s “10 Best UFO Encounters” and many more. Two other noted investigations were “The Lake Cook Car Incident of 2008” and the “Chicago Mothman Saga of 2011.

Robert Farrell - "Behind the Science of 'The Mummies' of Nazca, Peru" - November 14, 2023
Robert Farrell: "The Science Behind 'The Mummies' of Nazca, Peru"
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 7:30 pm EST via Zoom. Robert Farrell, Author -"The Science Behind the 'Mummies' of Nazca, Peru"
Something historic is happening in Nazca, Peru. In early 2017 several “unusual” bodies and parts of bodies were examined after being given to the Inkari Institute in Cusco, Peru in late 2016. The location of the find as well as the name of the discoverer have been kept secret to prevent graverobbing.
All of the bodies are hominid, still have all of their internal organs but have only three fingers and three toes as shown in the Gaia photo above. The bodies have all been preserved for perhaps thousands of years and have not had any internal organs removed. Some of the bodies which are only two feet tall, are believed to be reptilian and have a skeleton structure similar to a frog. Computer tomography of this species does not show any evidence of lungs or digestive tract. They died about 1,100 years ago. Their DNA does not match anything on record.
Maria, the larger species, except for being tridactyl, looks very human. She has been carbon-dated to have died about 1700 years ago. The genetic studies indicate that Maria has only about 25% human-like DNA. She seems to have ended in a violent death by predator animals.

Mike Brenner - "Evolution Diverted: The Forgotten Intrusion Driving Humanity to Self-Destruct"
View Presentation here.
Mike Brenner has been an architect, a psychiatrist, the author of a book based on Zechariah Sitchin’s discoveries, and now the producer of a feature film in development based on that book. He will endeavor to show how the shame and traumatization of our birth and earliest times keep us in the violence and exploitation of the Anunnaki lords.
Check out Mike's performance in New York of "The Mesopotamian Tale," a dramatic musical rendition of our origin. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/Xxow1pCIAFA