Suzanne Ross -"Interdimensional Adventures"

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Suzanne's father had a missing time experience in 1954 and was implanted with a chip he called his "alien chip". This abduction experience led to his involvement in Project Paperclip at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Growing up, her father was always pointing to the sky and talking about alien life throughout the cosmos. Suzanne herself has had a missing time experience which expanded her psychic abilities and allowed her to travel interdimensionally. Suzanne will share her interdimensional adventures!


Shane Hurd - "Principles, Techniques and Logic for Investigating UFOS"

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Director for Arizona MUFON. Shane Hurd has spent his nearly 25-year government career in civil engineering, geographic information Systems, and information technologies. He is a graduate of Arizona State University's Certified Public Manager program.

In June 2020, he published his first book, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Beginners Guide to Researching UFOs. He has also appeared on Ancient Aliens.

"History's Greatest Mysteries with Laurence Fishburne. among other television, and radio programs, and various podcasts. He is a proud grandpa, musician, amateur astronomer, and horse owner, and he enjoys a good bourbon now and then.


Connie Bell-Dixon  -  "Are you 100% Human? Let's Find Out!"

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Explore how connected you are to other worlds through feelings and experiences you may have had as a child as well as now. You may also realize your intergalactic connections and your purpose here on earth.  We will review a few of the intergalactic terms and species as well as answer a series of questions to find out if you are more human or more galactic. As Neil DeGrasse Tyson once said...everyone has Stardust in their blood!

About Connie Bell-Dixon— Connie has a bachelor's degree in education, In 2010 Connie founded the Lansdale and Philadelphia area Psychic Development Group. She is a Reiki master practitioner and teacher. She offers many classes in metaphysics as well as doing one-on-one readings, healing, mediumship, and Inner Child work with a metaphysical twist.

Connie's journey started with metaphysical experiences as a child. As she grew, the dreams/visions/spirit encounters increased. Connie has studied to understand since her late teens and she continues to explore the wonderful world of energy.  She teaches many classes in hopes they can help you progress on your spiritual journey. Contact Connie at [email protected] or on where all events are posted.

Frank Chille - April 2024- "Breakthroughs in Faster than Light Thought Propulsion"

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Chille has dedicated 45 years to seeking arcane knowledge, focusing on health, metaphysics, ancient civilizations, and comparative religions. His extensive experience includes encounters with individuals having mostly unknown contactee experiences. Notably, he was a close associate of William Tompkins, an insider to secretive technology. Chille has firsthand exposure to advanced technology products, extensive domestic and international 

Keith Seland - May 2024 "2024-The Rocks Continue to Talk!"

View Presentation here.

All our world’s ancient cultures left countless artifacts and recorded symbolic stories correlating cosmic experiences and teaching knowledge of kachinas, star people, ETs (gods and deities) and archaeoastronomy to their societies and aligned with their similar existential worldviews for our study. 

Having just returned from a 2023 expedition schedule to many archaeological sites in ancient Egypt, Anatolia (Turkey & Armenia) and Native America, Keith will unpack many discoveries and drive discussions of ancient worldwide civilization universals in the process. He will share his most recent findings from Gobekli and Karahan Tepes, Ḉatalhöyük, Egypt, America's Stonehenge, Cahokia, Arizona, Utah and more. These discoveries are framed through a lens of preparation for imminent new ET relationships our society will be forming very soon. Preparation is most beneficial and existential, and his audience will be educated on driving through the most exciting adventure our species may ever encounter!

Keith will explain his discoveries and insights by disclosing worldwide ancient similarities of culture and decoding the meanings of some of their symbolic communications. These discussions include the intricate alignments of their anomalous worldwide cultural evolutions, profound spiritualities, cosmic connections, archaeoastronomy, ETs, gods, deities, and similar correspondences with modern civilization & culture.   

Foundations for how modern humankind should, can, (and must proactively learn much from our ancestral cultures in these many ways) is underway to prepare us for global recognition of extraterrestrial intelligences and those future relationships that will inevitably be part of our future. 


Richard Gonsalvez - June 2024- "Amazing Petroglyphs of the Southwest"

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The president of the Agave House Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society in Heber/Overgaard, AZ. will present “Emerging Stories in Petroglyphs." A longtime resident of Arizona, Gonsalves has a unique ability to see petroglyphs from a different view. The ancient rock carvings are in the American Southwest, in Arizona and New Mexico. While he is not an archaeologist,  his passion led him to major discoveries, partnering with John Ruskamp, Jr. the author of the book "Asiatic Echoes - The Identification of Ancient Chinese Pictograms in Pre-Columbian North American Rock Writing, 3rd edition." Gonsalves will also discuss calendrical markers, astronomical symbols, and Native American culture that he has found in the petroglyphs. You will have new insights to the enigmas and potential origins of these petroglyphs, through the story they tell of ancient visitors to the southwest.


Dave Gutkowski- September 2024 "The Megaliths of Prehistoric Pennsylvania"

View the interview with Jennifer Stein and Dave Gutkowski
In 2004 Dave Gutkowski was drawn to a small unnamed mountain by voices unknown. Listening to and following that call led to a lifelong vocation on and within the land. The first major revelation was the discovery of a several thousand-year-old Stonehenge-type site. As one who listens to the trees, boulders, and the spirits themselves, Dave and the mountain came to build a relationship of ever-deepening trust. As trust built, additional discoveries were revealed - always at the right time. Through his careful research, two archaeology sites are now on the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Office register, with a third soon to follow.

Come experience some of the mysterious discoveries and scientifically confirmed findings. Meet a mountain in Pennsylvania just beginning to re-emerge as a timeless place for the gathering of nations and people across our area thousands of years ago.

You will see the LiDAR, Photogrammetry, GPR, and other high-tech research that have confirmed and continue to confirm what the inner callings led toward; multiple archeoastronomy sites and their related features. You'll see some amazing finds right here in our backyard, discoveries that go far beyond what we previously thought possible.


Jennifer W. Stein -  October 2024  "Sacred Valley Adventures in Peru"

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The Urubamba Valley of Peru has several historically significant Peruvian sites: Cusco, Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu. Jennifer traveled to these sites in 2004 with a shaman and in 2012 with researchers Robert Schoch, Brien Foerster, and Hugh Newman. You'll tour these amazing ancient locations, marveling at their megalithic structures. Jennifer, an independent researcher and documentary filmmaker, will share insights about the incredible architectural complexity employed at these sites.


Brad Olsen- November 2024 -"Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica: The Latest Updates”

Explore the myriad of anomalies in Antarctica that Brad Olsen discovered on his recent travels to this frozen land.

We've all heard of the possibility of three massive UFO crafts under the ice of Antarctica. What's the best evidence of where they're located? What about the massive hole near the South Pole? Brad will share his latest research on what really happened in the Battle of Highjump, pyramids existing in the Shackleton and Ellsworth Ranges, and the route of Admiral Byrd on his flights over the South Pole.

Why are dignitaries, scientists, politicians, religious and officials of countries around the globe suddenly visiting Antarctica—a location that has been dubbed the "Illuminati Disneyland?"


David Marler - December 2024 Executive Director- National UFO Historical Records Center -"The Battle of L.A. – UFO in 1942?"

One of the most dramatic events in UFO history occurred five years before the flying saucer wave of 1947. At least one genuine unidentified flying object was sighted visually by thousands of witnesses; tracked on radar; photographed by a member of the press; and fired upon repeatedly by elements of the United States military. Ample documentation exists regarding this event in newspapers and government documents.

Despite the explanations of the time attributing this event to “jittery war nerves” or “Japanese planes”, a comprehensive retrospective analysis can now be made that suggests an alternate explanation. Armed with new insights concerning the photographic evidence as well as correlating eyewitnesses’ testimony with press material from the time, a detailed account becomes clear.

David Marler weaves all of this material together to take you back 75+ years to what is perhaps the first well-documented UFO event of the 20th Century.
He has had a lifelong interest in the UFO subject and has actively investigated and researched the subject for 34 years. He joined The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1990. He later served as the MUFON Illinois State Director. During his tenure with MUFON, he conducted numerous investigations into alleged UFO sightings and related experiences. Today, he is an independent researcher.
David has discussed the subject of UFOs on numerous radio and television news programs over the years. He has also lectured on the subject to numerous school and adult audiences including at the university level. David has assisted the History, Learning, Discovery, Science, and Smithsonian Channel as well as numerous independent UFO documentary productions from various countries over the years. He has established himself as an internationally recognized UFO researcher.
Evidence of his historical research is his acclaimed book, Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation. Here, he has provided a comprehensive analysis of triangular UFOs. He has collected, collated, and analyzed hundreds of reports. In the process, he has created a detailed profile of these objects and written a rich narrative of their history.
In November 2020, he became the curator of the historic National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) case files in addition to Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s original Project Blue Book files. He was offered the rare invitation of serving as a full Board Member with CUFOS. David willingly accepted this invitation and now serves in the role of their official Archivist.
David has amassed an extensive array of historical UFO books, journals, magazines, newspapers, microfilms, photos, audio recordings, and case files from around the world that cover the last 75+ years. David’s perpetual work in this area was recognized by his being awarded the 2022 UFO Congress’ Lifetime Achievement Award. In November of that year, David and his colleagues launched the National UFO Historical Records Center in the Albuquerque, NM area. This 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serves as the largest U.S. UFO/UAP historical archive where David serves as the Executive Director.
Most recently, in November of 2023, the archive received the historical UFO case files of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO). This renowned collection, comprised of thousands of case files, was considered “lost” for 35 years but is now available to the public. Together, the NICAP, CUFOS, and APRO case files comprise the world’s largest historical collection of UFO case files in the world. Work is currently underway to secure funding for a free-standing building to provide more access to these historical treasures.
David received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (SIUE). He received his Certification in Hypnotherapy from the Mottin and Johnson Institute of Hypnosis in St. Louis, Missouri. David assisted in diagnosing and treating patients who suffered from various sleep disorders for several years at a major St. Louis-based medical facility. He also worked for a global medical equipment company for 13 years. David currently works in Business Development for a large New Mexico-based hospital network and resides in the Albuquerque, NM area with his wife and two daughters.
Contact Information:
[email protected]